
I (Blake) was sitting in a very esteemed leader’s conference feeling overwhelmed and under-qualified. Again. Thinking of all the changes that I should have already made and now needed to make to accomplish what this speaker or that one deemed important in ministering. Or how about the books I would find back on my desk staring at me seeming to yell you’re failing and why don’t you have time to read me?

I (Amanda) sat at a different youth conference in a session I can’t remember the name of… and heard a youth pastor begin to tell us what the latest crisis was in his youth ministry- a young unchurched kid in a fit of anger had cursed out a 60+ aged youth leader in the group and then punched him, knocked him down, then ran away. And in that story he shared he had the room laughing, in stitches. What was wrong with us? This bunch of messed up youth leaders laughing at this horrible situation. All I could think of over and over as I laughed until tears rolled down my face- we are not alone… we are not alone and a lesson Blake and I have always encouraged ourselves with… (paraphrased) where there is no oxen the barn is clean. So if our stalls needed mucked out… well praise the LORD the stalls were full…

This blog is written for all the last minute, ill-prepared, fly by the seat of your pants youth leaders under the weight of criticism from the pastor, the cleaning lady and the parents. You are not alone. You have a lot on you and it’s okay that you forgot to pick up the special speaker at the airport at midnight so that he had to wake the lead pastor.
We’re not saying be content there. We’re saying don’t give up, we’re all a work in progress. Never be afraid to fail. “Anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new.” (Albert Einstein)
Our heart is that this blog is written for all those out there who know that God’s calling is not cookie cutter nor is his church or his youth ministries. And those that understand (or want to) that in our weakness HE is made strong.

While ministering to a generation characterized by constant change, you must be changing too… Your group changes every year with graduations and new classes everything about youth ministry is fluctuating except one- God. Allow Him to be your Guide and consider ministry ideology and passing fads as possibilities and not your gospel. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and not the pop youth minister of the week or year. This is the solid Rock on which to stand all other ground is sinking sand.

We have learned that you cannot learn everything you need to know about youth ministry from a book, speaker or BLOG—but you must learn it in life. And so we humbly seek to share ours with you in the hopes that you will share yours confidently with others.

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